Thanks for your interest in MN Trips. We know you are here because you are interested in contributing to or advertising with MNTrips.com, and we appreciate that.
Since we receive many offers, it’s important to provide clear responses to serious queries. This page is designed to save everyone time, and to protect the integrity of our work and yours. Please read our guidelines carefully, and if your request falls outside of our parameters, don’t bother to try to convince us otherwise.
Our editorial mission
MNTrips’s editorial mission is to inspire and ease travel in our home state of Minnesota by offering our firsthand travel stories and photos, our personal research and reporting, and our tried and true travel tips.
Guest posts
We produce nearly all of our content ourselves. We consider guest posts from writers/photographers/travelers whose work we know and from those who have personal experience of their topic. Even so, we only consider (or assign) a guest post when we want to develop a content area or topic with broader expertise or expertise than our own.
We do not accept guest posts from for-profit companies or their representatives. Please refer to sponsored posts or advertising opportunities below.
Sponsored Posts
On a very limited basis, we accept sponsored posts which are, in all cases, written by us to assure a consistent editorial tone. Sponsored posts are considered only when the topic (destination or product) fits our editorial direction and matches our personal experience. This is at our sole discretion.
Sponsored posts run approximately 800-1200 words with 3-4 photos and may include two no-follow links to the sponsor’s site. Usually, a sponsored post is packaged with an agreed upon social media boost of the post. Pricing is based on story length, photography, and the described social media follow-up.
Every sponsored post will be clearly marked as a paid/sponsored post with a standard disclaimer, according to legal guidelines and best journalism practices.
If you are interested in a sponsored post, please email us with your specific idea for the post. A vague “I’d like a sponsored post” email will probably be ignored.
Paid Links
Occasionally we provide paid no-follow links to advertisers within our existing editorial content, when there is an appropriate fit. We allow no more than two links within a given story and all links are sold for a ONE YEAR (renewable) term. Posts updated with a paid link will be promoted via our normal social media channels.
We reserve the right to accept or reject link clients at our sole discretion, and without explanation. We look for partners who will enhance the readers’ experience and match our editorial sensibilities. We do not accept gambling or all-inclusive resort advertising.
Product sampling
MN Trips accepts sample products or books on a select basis, but only when we know we can utilize the product and seamlessly integrate coverage (probably in a product round-up post) on our site. We’re particularly interested in outdoor products such as gear for hiking, biking, and camping.
Marketing Partnerships
Our expertise is in target marketing and professional content creation. Custom advertising and sponsorship packages might include:
- Content creation for the advertiser’s site (photos and/or text)
- Social media influence
- Directed content on MN Trips
- Ambassador PR services (including public appearances, guest posts, social media take-overs, etc.)
- Product testing
- Reported firsthand travel experiences
- Custom consulting
If any of these opportunities interest you, please email us using the form below.